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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Spiritual health

One's life will be golden, civilized and successful when he is physically and mentally healthy. In ancient ayurveda texts it is stated that human's health is mainly depends on his inner aspects, spiritual consciousness. By adopting the branches of eastern spiritual science like meditation, yoga, hawan, Mantra chanting etc, one can develop his inner strength, mental power which gives the potency to fight against the physical diseases also.
All positive aspects of life is generated from the consciousness arises from spirit level. Speaking positive, doing, behaving positive, positive in every steps of  life leads towards the higher satisfaction and  happiness.
Negative thoughts, wrong doings, sins, cheating always leads human beings toward the pathological state of mind. Finally it also generates the physical diseases also.
To remain Spiritually fit, to gain spiritual strength following methods helps effectively :
1. Meditation
2. Yoga
3. Pranayam or breathing ecercise
4. Reiki
5. Mantra chanting
6. Hawan
7. Panchakarma
8. Good, positive thoughts and act.
9. Soothing musics and songs etc.


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