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Preventive Medicine

It is said everywhere in health system that "prevention is better than cure." By adopting simple precautions in our health many dangerous diseases also can't touch us. Preventive aspect of health system is equally important for all catagories people of the developed and developing countries. Due to lack of proper preventive knowledge people are living with chronic conditions for long time. if the chronic diseases are not prevented and managed on time, they will become the most expensive problems of our health care systems. For example: diabetic people generate health care costs that are two to three times those without the condition. Chronic conditions pose a threat to all countries from a health and economic standpoint.
Costly and disabling common conditions are :
     Cardiovascular diseases.
     Renal diseases
     Chronic respiratory diseases etc.
These chronic conditions are linked by common preventable risk factors Like: Tobacco use, long time unhealthy nutrition, excessive alcohol consmption, inert life or physical inactivity. Tobacco, malnutrition, alcohol  are the main problem of developing countries. Sedentary life style, high fat intake are the problem of developed countries.
Common factors which helps us to maintain our health which prevent us from many chronic and fatal diseases are :
1. Hygenic, fresh and balance food intake.
2. Proper water and fluid intake.
3. Maitenance personal hygiene.
4. Regular health check up.
5. Active life including Yoga exercise, Breathing exercise.
6. Body purification procedures like : Purgation, enema, vomiting with salt water etc.
7. Meditation and Reiki.
8. Complete Immunisation on new borns.
9. Proper control of epidemics and endemics.
10. Visiting new and beautiful places in the time interval of 15 days to one month.


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