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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Haridra powder paste for sprain, Allergy and blood purification

The stretch or tear of soft tissues around a joint such as ligament is known as sprain. Common symptoms and signs of sprain include pain, swelling, bruising, instability and loss of function. One or more ligaments can be injured at the same time. The severity of the pain will depend on the extent of injury, i.e. whether a tear is partial or complete and the number of ligaments involved. A sprain can result from a fall, a sudden twist, or a blow to the body that forces a joint out of its normal position. This results in an overstretching or tear of the ligaments supporting that joint. Typically, sprains occur when people fall and land on an outstretched arm, land on the side of their foot, or twist a knee.
Haridra powder cure it :
Haridra powder mentioned in Ayurvedic classics. it is a simple ormulation which is effective when taken internally as well as applied locally. Haridra is a dried rhizome of a plant that grows to 2 to 3 feet in height with funnel-shaped yellow flowers. Haridra or turmeric powder is bright yellow in colour. Haridra powder made from rhizomes is used orally as well as for local application.
Chemical constituents : Curcuminoids including yellow colouring principal – curcumn, and an essential oil with high content of bisabolane derivatives.
Therapeutic properties : Tumeric powder has anti-bacterial, insecticidal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-arthritic properties.
Indications and uses : (1) Sprain, inflammatory conditions of joints and burns are the main indications for local application of Haridra paste. Haridra powder is used internally for blood purification, skin blemishes and allergic conditions.
Dose and mode of administration : (1) For oral use, the dose of turmeric powder for adults is 2 to 5 grams and for children it is 1 to 2 grams. The dose of fresh turmeric juice is 10 to 20 millilitres in adults and 5 to 10 millilitres in children. Normally two doses a day should be taken with water or mixed with honey. A paste made from rhizomes, mixed with lime and (2) salt, is applied to the sprained area and removed when it gets dried.
Precautions and safety aspects
(1) Turmeric being regularly used as a food item is considered safe and no adverse effects are reported of its long-term use. However, its oral use in children and pregnant women should be done under medical supervision. Turmeric or its alcoholic extract administered respectively in the dose of 2.5 grams per kilogram body weight and 300 milligrams per kilogram body weight on different species of animals proved non-toxic. It is safe for the baby if a nursing mother is taking this medicine.
(2) Turmeric’s side effects may occur with the use of more than the recommended doses. In that case, it may cause stomach upset or other gastrointestinal problems like diarrhoea.


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