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Definition : Meditation is different methods of practices in which the practitioner activates or trains his/her mind in order to increase the conscious level. Stability of mind, stop wavering of mind, Concentration on one target, Thoughtlessness, Unified thought process, To leave, to give away, Introspection, Lack of activity, Mental aerobics, Intentional self regulation, Dedication, Stay connected, thinking deeply or spiritually about a subject these all points reflects the definition of meditation. 
Meditation is a complex cognitive task. It is more than relaxation, concentration, contemplation or posturing. Frees the mind from distractions and allows for communication with the “Master Within.” Meditation may involve invoking or cultivating a feeling or internal state, such as compassion, or attending to a specific focal point. There are more than 100 different effective styles of meditation practice. Meditation has been practiced since antiquity as a component of numerous religious traditions. (Posted at : 24/8/2011, 3:20 pm)


i would also like to meditate

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