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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Miracle of "OM"

Generally the word "Aum" or "Om" is taken as a holy word in different religion. From thousands years ago mainly Hindus are using it for meditative purpose & mantra chanting purpose. But now it is scientifically proved that "Aum" is not a simple word. A great secret is hidden behind it. Let's study about it :
In 1967, Hans Jenny, a Swiss doctor, devlop a device called "TONOSCOPE". The tonoscope was constructed to make the human voice visible without any electronic apparatus as an intermediate link. This yielded the amazing possibility of being able to see the physical image of the vowel, tone or song a human being produced directly. Not only could you hear a melody - you could see it.
Dr. Jenny, a scientist of cymatics science, the study of the interrelation-ship between energy and matter, conducted a series of experiments on the Hindu mantra “OM”, utilizing a tonoscope which is a device that transforms sounds into their visual representations on a screen. Dr Jenny found that when “OM” was correctly intoned into a tonoscope, a circle appeared which is then filled in with concentric squares and triangles, finally producing, as the last traces of the ‘M’ disappear from the screen, the core structure of the ''Sri Chakra". These experiments are a scientific confirmation of what the Rishis had recognized. Shree yentra or shree chakra is a special and complicated structure which represents the house of all gods, which represents the center of cosmic energy. So whoever chants "AUM" then chanting sound of AUM creates a wave of Shree chakra inside his body. The wave structure of shree yentra inside the human body helps to attract the cosmic energy,holy blessing of the gods. So one can easily get peace, satisfaction and spiritual height.
The holy word Aum is used in Mantras of every god as well as in various types of Meditation. In Basic level meditation to advanced level meditation techniques "Aum" chanting and visualization is included.


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Pokhrel Rajendra
Lecturer, L.V.College, Kathmandu.

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