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Thursday, August 25, 2011

How to Cure acidity and Ulcer

Excessive secretion of gastric acid or its reflux to the food pipe along with delayed gastric emptying and fermentation of food causes Heart burn. It is a most common problem. Gastric acidity and inflammation of the stomach is called gastritis, Common symptom are burning sensation in the middle part of the upper half of the abdomen, while acid reflux causes throat and heartburn and delayed gastric emptying with fermentation leads to gaseous distension of abdomen and belching. These abnormalities also lead to nausea, indigestion, loss of appetite and mild to moderate upper abdominal pain and distress. Frequent dietary irregularities and ingestion of irritant materials like much spicy and sour foods, analgesic drugs like aspirin and alcohol are the common causes of acidity and gastritis. Mental stress significantly aggravates the symptoms of acidity and gastritis. It is a simple disease and can be cured easily by herbal drugs.
 Get rid of acidity and Ulcer
Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica Linn.) or Indian gooseberry helps significantly to cure acidity and ulcer. The Amalaki powder is made from the dried mature fruits of Amalaki.
Composition: Only the fine powder made of single herbal ingredient Amalaki.
Therapeutic properties : Antacid, anti-ulcer, anti-emetic, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulator, rejuvenator and a rich source of vitamin C.
Chemical constituents: Vitamin C, minerals and aminoacids.
How to take the Drug : In adults, the dose of Amalaki powder is 3 to 6 grams and in children 500 mg to 1 gram, twice a day, to be swallowed on an empty stomach or just before meals with water.
Dosage form: Fine, sour-tasting grayish to blackish powder.
Precautions and safety : Powder of amalaki is a safe medicine. No toxic or adverse effects are reported even with continuous use. 
- Safety of Emblica officinalis is attributed to its anti-mutagenic, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, anti-oxidant, anti-tumour and immuno-modulatory activities and numerous indications for its use in children and pregnant women. It is also safe to the baby if the nursing mother is taking this medication.
- Amalaki has a cooling property and hence individuals intolerant to cold should consume it with ginger powder and warm water or honey. Even then if symptoms worsen, medication with Amalaki powder may be stopped.
- Individuals sensitive to sour taste should add sugar to the formulation or consume it in capsule form. Mixing it in warm water or with sugar or honey makes ingestion of Amalaki powder easy.
Advice : It is advisable for patients of acidity and gastritis to avoid the intake of spicy, hard, heavy, dry and raw foods, particularly leafy vegetables and salad. Tendency of overeating and frequent munching and use of alcoholic beverages should be avoided. More information and further drugs will be posted in the coming days. 


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