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Sunday, August 28, 2011

simple Home remedy for Urinary Disorders :

Among urinary disorders there are simple to complex pathology. Here is some simple and effective home remedies which can be used in urinary difficulties. Burning and painful micturation is occure due to the infection in the urinary tract. Which is generally associated with the pain in the urinary tract, fever and weakness. With the related investigation and diagnosis a course of antibiotic is generally taken. Any one of the following easy herbal treatment also helps to relieve urinary symptoms significantly which is easy to prepare and use. These drugs have no side effects and boost up multisystems of our body :
  1. Use one teaspoonful (5 gm) of powder of Berginina ligulata or Tribulus terrestris threee times per day with water.
  2. One teaspoonful (5ml) of the juice of tinospora cordifolia three times per day with honey is also effective.
  3. Take one teaspoonful of the powder of Emblica officinalis or sandal wood (Santalum album) three times per day with water. Santalum album or chandan is a urosoothing agent.
Note : If burning and painful micturation persists, even after the 2 to 3 days after using above formula, you should consult with the medical doctors or Urologist.
Diet and Regimes : Avoid chillies and spicy food. Drink water, lemon juice, fruit juice or buttermilk in sufficient amount.


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