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Thursday, August 25, 2011


Constipation is a common problem which usually refers to persistent, difficult, infrequent, or seemingly incomplete defecation. Other expressions of constipation include passage of unduly dry and hard faeces, sluggish action of bowel, etc.
Various causative factors for constipation are as following.
(1) Irritable bowel syndrome
(2) Related to diet factors:
• Too bland food, e.g. with low fibre residue
• Too dry and astringent food
• Inadequate fluid intake
(3) Intake of hard water (4) Metabolic disease like hypothyroidism (5) Obstructive diseases of lower gastrointestinal tract (6) Drugs: opium, iron, blood pressure medicines (7) Irregular bowel habit (8) Sedentary lifestyle (9) Depressive disorders (10) Old age (11) Suppression of natural urge of defecation.
Advices : 
1.Persons suffering from constipation should not ignore defecation urge nor should they strain for a long time to pass out stools.
(2) Drinking of warm water and milk improves intestinal movements and is beneficial in relieving constipation. 
(3) Much deviation from the normal timing of meals and quantity of food should be avoided. It is beneficial to take soft, digestible and semi-solid food.
(4) Heavy and untimely meals, eating food before the digestion of earlier food, and intake of dry, astringent and cold foods hamper intestinal movements adding to constipation.
(5) Regular walking, physical activity and deep breathing and certain edibles like, ginger, lemon, resins, dates, figs and almond oil help in alleviating constipation.
Treatment : Haritaki (Terminalia chebula Retz.) powder is a simple formulation made of its dried ripe fruits. The plant is also named as Pathya, owing to its beneficial effect for the channels (patha) of the body. It is not only used for constipation but for various gastrointestinal and systemic problems. Scientific studies have established its stomachic, laxative and anti-flatulence actions.
Chemical constituents : Anthraquinone, glycoside, chebulinic acid, chebulagic acid.
Therapeutic Properties : Haritaki has laxative, carminative, digestive, antispasmodic, anthelmintic, anti-microbial, anti-stress and endurance promoting properties.
Dose and mode of administration : To achieve laxative action of Haritaki, adult dose of powder is 3 to
6 grams and for children, the dose of Haritaki is 500 mg to 1 gram, to be taken with lukewarm water once a day on an empty stomach. It is preferably taken early in the morning or minimum three hours after dinner.
Indication : Haritaki is useful in constipation, haemorrhoids, stomatitis, hyperacidity and associated gastrointestinal disorders.


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